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  • 3 Ways to Protect Your Eyes on Vacation

    3 Ways to Protect Your Eyes on Vacation   Summer is the perfect time to head to the mountains, relax on the beach of visit family and friends. Here are three things to remember next time you head out the door for vacation:    Sunglasses If there’s one thing you can’t leave home without, besides […]

    Continue Reading June 25, 2024

  • A Bright Eye-dea: Your Ultimate Checklist for Healthy Vision!

    A Bright Eye-dea: Your Ultimate Checklist for Healthy Vision! Eyes may be the windows to the soul, but they’re also our trusty guides through the visual wonderland of life. To keep those peepers in tip-top shape, here’s your ultimate, playfully professional checklist for healthy vision. Let’s dive in! 1. 20-20-20 Rule: Every 20 minutes, take […]

    Continue Reading June 24, 2024

  • Little Eyes, Big Vision: The Importance of Pediatric Eye Exams

    Little Eyes, Big Vision: The Importance of Pediatric Eye Exams Today, let’s talk about a topic that’s incredibly close to our hearts (and eyes): pediatric eye exams. Ensuring that our little ones see the world clearly is crucial for their development, learning, and overall well-being. So, let’s dive into the world of pediatric eye care […]

    Continue Reading June 10, 2024

  • Hate Drops? These contacts are for you!

    Contacts are being develop as a means of releasing medications into the eyes. From allergy to glaucoma to antibiotic. Just think about not having to put drops in all the time and having constant treatment. This could be a real benefit for those who may have to get up in the middle of the night […]

    Continue Reading June 8, 2024

  • Beauty and the Eyes: A Guide to Safe Cosmetic Use

    Beauty and the Eyes: A Guide to Safe Cosmetic Use Hello, beautiful souls! Today, let’s talk about a topic that combines two of our favorite things: cosmetics and eye health. Whether you’re a makeup novice or a seasoned beauty guru, it’s crucial to ensure that your quest for stunning eyes doesn’t compromise your vision. So, […]

    Continue Reading May 21, 2024

  • It’s Allergy Season Again

    The Signs are in Your Eyes Even before we see the sunny weather, blooming flowers, and greening trees, there are a few sure signs that spring is near. You’re more likely to feel the season change versus seeing it with your own eyes. The problem is, sometimes, it’s your eyes that get hit the worst […]

    Continue Reading March 29, 2024

  • April Eclipse

    Another big time eclipse is just around the corner. Although we are not directly in the path of the total solar eclipse, even at 60% we should have a cool show. That being said, safety first! Preventing Blindness  has tips on how to keep your eyes safe while viewing the eclipse. Make sure that your […]

    Continue Reading March 21, 2024

  • Deja Vu

    At this point, I’ve lost count of how many recalls we’ve had in the last 12 months. But here we are again. This round it is all ointments, not drops. But worth checking your cabinet  

    Continue Reading February 29, 2024

  • Another FDA Warning

    After a deluge of eyedrop recalls from the FDA during 2023, they’re back at it in 2024. This time the warning is of a string of copy cat drops mimicking Lumify. Lumify is a great drop for redness relief. If your eyes are a little bloodshot or you just want to brighten them up for […]

    Continue Reading February 1, 2024

  • Check your Eyedrops

    The FDA released a warning last Friday about 26 different eye drops that could be contaminated. Check your cabinets and throw away any possible offenders.

    Continue Reading October 31, 2023