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  • Allergies in children

    The rise in allergies among children has been a concern, it causes allergic conjunctivitis (a form of pink eye). This affects 30% of children and causes redness, itching and watering of the eye. It has been found that more fit children have less trouble with allergies and are less likely to develop asthma (AAO Sept. […]

    Continue Reading October 27, 2022

  • Possible LASIK Coverage

    For those with VSP vision insurance there is a LASIK benefit that reduces the cost of this life changing procedure. Be sure ask if you are a good candidate at your next eye exam.

    Continue Reading October 21, 2022

  • Public Reminder: Don’t sleep in your contacts!

    An interesting article came out this week from another optometrist who removed 23 contacts from a woman’s eye. It may be a new records. So here’s a reminder for everyone- take out your contacts before bed. Your eyes will thank you!   Read the article here

    Continue Reading October 14, 2022

  • Cataracts and Dementia

    A study on cataract removal and dementia ( › news › cataract-removal-linked).found a 30 percent lower risk of developing dementia in those who had their cataracts removed. It is thought that there is greater socialization after cataract surgery that helps keep the mind sharp. Could it be that having a clearer vision in life keeps […]

    Continue Reading October 6, 2022

  • Don’t wait!

    An annual eye exam is important to catch conditions early so that it can be slowed or prevented from causing any vision loss. There are other issues that also should be evaluated sooner rather than waiting for the annual exam. 1. Headaches: Frequent headaches can be a sign that the vision has changed and the […]

    Continue Reading July 22, 2022

  • Cataract Sugery- What you need to know

    What is a cataract? A cataract is a clouding of the lens in the eye that affects vision. Most cataracts are related to aging. Cataracts are very common in older people. By age 80, more than half of all Americans have either a cataract or have had cataract surgery. A cataract can occur in either […]

    Continue Reading June 29, 2022

  • Why should I be dilated?

    Why should I be dilated? I am surprised how often I hear this question every day. Dilating drops have been used for hundreds of years to open the pupil wide so that eye doctors can look inside the eye. I think just about everyone knows by now that it makes your vision blurry and that […]

    Continue Reading April 28, 2022

  • Eyes feeling dry? Run around the block!

    Aerobic exercise improves tear production, that means less dryness! Researchers found that tear production was increased a half hour after aerobic exercise. The effect seemed to last about 30 minutes. So make sure that aerobics are a part of your exercise program…..your eyes will thank you.

    Continue Reading April 22, 2022

  • Allergy Season is Upon Us

    With all the wind and the blossoms the last few weeks, many eyes are very unhappy, mine included. Symptoms of eye allergies can often seem a lot like dry eyes- red, watery eyes. However, often allergies will also cause itchy eyes, which are miserable! But rubbing your eyes is no good. Instead, consider trying an […]

    Continue Reading April 13, 2022

  • Myopia Control

    Studies have shown that the increased computer use by children since the pandemic has increased the incidence of myopia (or nearsightedness) by nearly three times. Three times! That’s a huge jump! Not only is this bothersome for kids having to get glasses for the first time but there are serious health concerns associated with myopia, […]

    Continue Reading March 17, 2022