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3 Ways to Protect Your Eyes on Vacation

3 Ways to Protect Your Eyes on Vacation

Summer is the perfect time to head to the mountains, relax on the beach of visit family and friends. Here are three things to remember next time you head out the door for vacation: 


If there’s one thing you can’t leave home without, besides your wallet, phone, and keys, it’s a trusty pair of sunglasses. No matter where you’re headed, sunglasses are the perfect accessory to keep your eyes comfortable on sunny and overcast days. Make sure that they provide 100% UV protection. If you’re headed to the beach or mountains, you may want to consider polarized sunglasses as they can help reduce glare from reflective surfaces like water from a lake or ocean. Wraparound styles are also great for windy conditions, as they provide more coverage to protect the eyes from flying particles and dryness.

Spare glasses/contacts

If you are an avid contact lens wearer, bring your cleaning solution and back up eyewear. You never know when one of those little guys might pop out. Even if you wear glasses, a back-up pair in the glovebox can be handy for some of life’s unexpected moments.

Eye Drops

When traveling you may need to adapt to different climates. Even airplanes have drier air than your eyes might be used to. Keeping some artificial tears on hand can help you deal with environmental factors or even flush out irritants like smoke or pollen.
If you do run into unexpected eye issues away from home, it’s important to not wait to see your eye doctor. Give us a call and we can help you determine the best course of treatment while you’re away from home.