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Allergy Season is Upon Us

With all the wind and the blossoms the last few weeks, many eyes are very unhappy, mine included. Symptoms of eye allergies can often seem a lot like dry eyes- red, watery eyes. However, often allergies will also cause itchy eyes, which are miserable! But rubbing your eyes is no good. Instead, consider trying an allergy eye drop to help calm things down. There are a lot of really good ones on the market:

Pataday is available in either a once OR twice daily dose- whichever is more convenient. This is my #1 recommendation because until recently this drop was only available with a prescription. But now it can be found with the other eye drops in the pharmacy.

Alaway is a great drop but must be used twice a day for relief

Similiarly, Zaditor is great but must be taken twice daily.


Some things that you want to avoid are Visine and Clear Eyes. These types of drops may help redness right now, but they won’t do much for the itching and underlying cause of the redness. And if used long term, these drops will actually make redness worse. Sneaky!

Often times allergies will also be accompanied by dry eye and can make dryness much worse. So if you’ve tried some of these allergy drops but are still having trouble, you may need help with dry eye as well.