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Myopia Control

Studies have shown that the increased computer use by children since the pandemic has increased the incidence of myopia (or nearsightedness) by nearly three times. Three times! That’s a huge jump! Not only is this bothersome for kids having to get glasses for the first time but there are serious health concerns associated with myopia, especially the higher the prescription gets.

There are lots of factors for why a child’s eyes may get worse- things like genetics, digital screen time, and how old they are when they first get glasses. The great news is that there are options to try and control how quickly their eyes are changing. Step number one is always be sure to have their eyes checked regularly. Kids should have their first eye exam between 9 and 12 months. Then again before starting school. If your kids are wearing glasses, have their eyes checked every year to make sure that their eyes haven’t changed.

If you’re concerned about nearsightedness or how fast your child’s eyes are changing, schedule an appointment today and take a look at the possible treatments and our doctors will be happy to discuss the best options for your child’s eyes.