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  • Another FDA Warning

    After a deluge of eyedrop recalls from the FDA during 2023, they’re back at it in 2024. This time the warning is of a string of copy cat drops mimicking Lumify. Lumify is a great drop for redness relief. If your eyes are a little bloodshot or you just want to brighten them up for […]

    Continue Reading February 1, 2024

  • Check your Eyedrops

    The FDA released a warning last Friday about 26 different eye drops that could be contaminated. Check your cabinets and throw away any possible offenders.

    Continue Reading October 31, 2023

  • Eclipse is on its Way!

    The next eclipse is close at hand- just around the corner on October 14th. While it’s exciting to see the sun dip behind the moon, it’s never fully covered and this can still leave your eyes at risk if you look directly at the sun. Your eyes should be covered by approved solar eclipse glasses […]

    Continue Reading September 29, 2023

  • Try on frames from home!

    Much like this llama (that Dr. Linda painted- way to go!), you can also try on frames from home. We’re very excited to have a new online try on option- see what frames you like before you even step in the door. And send us your favorites so we can have them ready for you […]

    Continue Reading August 18, 2023

  • Welcome Home Dr. Linda!

    Dr. Linda recently returned from spending four days doing eye exams in Northern Peru. In four days, the team of four doctors were able to see over 2500 patients and give out nearly 2000 glasses.

    Continue Reading July 28, 2023

  • Tired of Readers?

    There are eye drops that can help those who use readers to be less dependent on their magnifiers. It starts as fast as 15 minutes and can last up to 6 hours. It reduces pupil size so not good for situations were more light is needed.

    Continue Reading June 22, 2023

  • Eyedrops Recall

    You may have heard some scary new lately about an eyedrop causing serious injury and in some cases death. Click on the links for additional information and for pictures of the drops. Take a minute to look through your cabinet and keep yourself and your loved ones safe: Pharmedica USA LLC’s Purely Soothing 15% MSM […]

    Continue Reading March 24, 2023

  • Implantable AMD Medication

    There has been wonderful progress in the treatment of wet macular degeneration (the fastest progressing type of macular degeneration) during my years in practice. The problem is that the medication has to be injected into the eye which is not painful but it is definitely anxiety-provoking. There is an FDA approved device to be implanted […]

    Continue Reading December 1, 2022

  • We like to move it. Move it!

    Exercise is important to maintain health. Not anything new to anyone. What is new is a recent study named the Ireland Eye Study which examined different aspects of vision in relation to the exercise level of children. And it may surprise you that exercise does matter! Not only does being outside reduce the risk of […]

    Continue Reading November 3, 2022